Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Towards Love Infused Theory

Some great comments showed up on the Theoretical Relationships post.

I really liked TechPhobe's point that I went about it backwards. Instead of injecting politics into relationships we should be looking at how to inject relationships into politics. Except, then I sat there wondering how the hell do I do that? But, luckily Bhaskara came to the rescue and completed the inversion with the question "Is it possible that critical analysis can deepen and elaborate relationships?" Instead of treating theory as an analytic post hoc affair it should be a tool for building relationships. Bhaskara's focus on consent in the later questions points the way for how to do this. Perhaps solitary obsessive evaluation should be replaced by mutual questioning which not only examines the power dynamic but simultaneously acts on it.

Two closing thoughts: (a) I would love to hear from folks who have done anything like this. (b) I feel like I am letting myself off too easily and that there is more and deeper things to say.

1 comment:

  1. One idea I've come up with, that I like, is that theory should be used to enhance and expand our relationships, rather than confuse and complicate them. In this model, the relationship is the more important aspect, and the theory exists to compliment, expand, find new ways of people loving and appreciating each other better. And if it gets in the way of that then it's failing its job, and should be scrapped.
